Geographic Information System
Collaborators: Aruna Ananta Das, Cheng Ju Lee
Advisor: Leah Meisterlin
New York is a city with an aging population and with the pandemic, the elderly face even more problems in their dail lives. Senior centers are closing making it difficult for the elderly to get access to their basic needs and to travel from place to place. In Manhattan, we aim to define the most livable blocks for the elderly, where even during the current global COVID pandemic, they can maintain a high standard of living. Our area of study is centered around the Morningside heigh and the Upper West Side from 59th street to 125th stree roughly west of Central Park and Morningside Park. Our aim is two-fold: first, to define the favorable area in block level, to determine if it is currently matching the locations of th current elderly population.
Research Questions
1. Where are the most favorable blocks for New York’s elderly who live alone in Manhattan, as they pertain to factors like public space, public transportation, super markets and hospital?
2. In comparison to our research, what is the present density of elderly located in specific areas in new york city. Do they match the favourable areas or not?
We would know the answer using the scoring system and by doing map algebra, we will be able to identify the favorable area and blocks according to our definition. By comparing it to the existing old population density, we would know how effective the support infrastructure is distributed.


Final Result Overlay